Magic City Jai-5 Jackpot Getting “Jai-er” – over $25k expected Monday!

Magic City’s “Jai-ly” popular wager, the $1.00 Jai-5 jackpot wager, has now gone 16-consecutive performances without a winner and has a jackpot carryover of $20,408 going into Monday’s 1-pm EST performance. The jackpot is expected to pay a minimum of $25,000 on Monday should a single winning ticket holder correctly select the winner of games 3-7!

There have been live tickets for the jackpot in the last 3-performances, including a blown game point on last Monday’s performance. There are only 3-performances left till the Force-Outs on closing day of the short 10-week meet on April 12th. Should there be no single winning Jai-5 ticket through April 11, there will be a massive jackpot paid out to the ticket holders with the most correct winners. This is called a Force-Out (aka a Mandatory Payout). The Jackpot Force-Outs on April 12 also includes the Force-Out of a minimum guarantee of at least $4,000 to be paid out on the $1.00 Pick 8 wager called the “Mighty Ocho” to those lucky ticket holders with the most correct winners in games 1-8.

Good Luck on Monday to those Jai-5ers who are going after this big jackpot! It’s been a very tough Jai-Alai bettor’s challenge and based on what’s been happening, bettors will surely be prepared and planning to expect the unexpected!

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