Mo Crank is New Owner of

Mo Crank, the originator and brains behind the Mo Crank Stat Packs for Magic City Pelota and Battle Court, along with the Dania pari-mutuel games, is the new owner of the website.

Mo has done a tremendous job providing Jai-Alai statistics to the public in formats never before seen by the public eyes. He was also a great help with programming efforts for the Magic City Battle Court weekly contest held earlier this year.

Mo became a fan of Jai-Alai during the pandemic shutdown and came across Magic City Jai-Alai on the internet when there were no other sports at the time in the US. A great thanks to Magic City for keeping the Jai-Alive during this time where nearly 1-million Americans lost their lives.

I will continue to assist Mo as needed in the transition and wish him the best in operating the SayHiLi site!

Happy Holidays to all!

Steve M.

Copyright 2020